

Making the “Lemons” Block Print

Only three pieces of linoleum are needed to create the seven carvings for this seven-color print. The first carving prints blue, everywhere but where the lemons will be. 2. I take that first carving, and carve away the shapes that should remain blue, and print green.... Read more →

Making the “Woodland Pond” Block Print.

“Woodland Pond” was inspired by a walk near our Vermont country house, where golden light filtered through trees and reflected in a small pond. Here’s the photo (with some blobs of color where I started painting on it in Photoshop). Since there will... Read more →

Making The Ferns Block Print

For this print, I wanted to create a more muted margin, to help the ferns really pop. So I first did a rectangular carving with a window in it, and printed beige. Next I learned a new skill: hand-setting antique metal type! It’s got to be done backwards, of... Read more →